Sunday, 6 July 2014

What happens when nothing happens.

Hello all, so not much is happening... I'm literally just waiting for my proof copy to arrive from the states and it's driving my crazy. I feel like a small child on Christmas bloody eve. I'm still waiting for one set of answers for my quiz, though I have devised a plan to make it more efficient if I ever do one again.

What else... A English woman on holiday in Magaluf, blew 20-odd guys in under four minutes. I unfortunately witnessed the video which kindly delayed me getting married for 3-5 years. I one day expect that humanity will propel itself and prove that it deserves this gift of a planet.

My song of the week: Radiate by Enter Shikari

I also watched Bad Neighbours and I've got to admit, I was disappointed with all the best bits once again being in the trailer. I felt that the portrayal of trying to be 'cool' parents was cringe worthy, but that's just me and mine. You all may enjoy it :)

I've also finally finished Duallists! I don't really get much chance to read... I know, it's funny considering I write. My kindle time is confined to bus journeys to work, when I'm not distracted by the resplendently stunning young woman who strangely looks like the woman off the front cover of my book. Or at my Nans when she's on that bloody game she's addicted to.
Anyway, my review is on Amazon and below is a link to the book. It's bloody free so you may as well download it and get it read. It really was enjoyable and a deeply disturbing look at life on the Moon. I hope you're all enjoying the weekend.

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