Well they are. It's like the world has been infected by this virus, from which millions of people have become mindless, manner-less, inconsiderate and intolerable ass holes. Now I'll admit that I may be slightly self-absorbed but that's my survivalist attitude. That does not mean that I lack etiquette. I finished work this morning and go to sleep at about half 7, only to be woke up at 11 by some inconsiderate bastard. And you know it's time to move when you wake up grasping the handle of a hammer. Needless to say, house hunting has begun.
I'm fairly laid back and I have the capacity to be friendly but when you are one of this disease ridden Neanderthals, that's when my temper rises. Like for example, every Saturday night for the past two years, I have gone to work, plugged in my earphones and got on with my job. I work days all week, so music gives me that little boost to keep me awake all day and bloody night. Recently we have two new managers who are in basic terms, big cunts.
Trying to alter our established ways for their own petty gratification. Perhaps they have no control over their own lives, so they feel the need to inflict their dominance on others. Last weekend, I had to be told four times to take my earphones out. I thought he would of got the message that his opinion wasn't relevant by then... Sadly though, he appeared too stupid.
Last night another new waste of sperm was in charge of the shift. I went in, earphones ready and in the group meeting beforehand claimed that earphones were once again not allowed. It's safe to say I was furious, I could feel myself going red with anger, like an uncontrollable thirst for violence. They claim it's for health and safety. HEALTH AND SAFETY! I've been alive for 27 fucking years! In case of a fire they say... Oh, because I wouldn't notice the fucking orange glow of the flames or the other staff running for their lives!
It would appear that they create these stupid rules, not to protect the people, but to protect the companies. It's absurd and all I ask is, if you are one of these troglodytes; is that you leave me alone. It's not that fucking difficult. I go to work and I leave work, that is the extent of its involvement in my life. Now you may say "But Chris, you're talking about work now." However I am not, I am talking about the utter idiots who populate the world we live in that are quite obviously deprived of brain cells. I will be back next week with my earphones, rebelling against stupid rules... because someone has to.
Anyway, that wasn't a rant because I promised not to do that. It was a... calmly spoken piece of writing expressing my feelings towards those people we could live without. Luckily I was working with someone moderately entertaining last night, so it wasn't all bad. On a brighter note, it's only five days until Maybe, Misery comes out! All I need to do is change my bloody author picture. I was talking to the lovely Sally(i) last night and she suggested I shouldn't scowl on it... Almost implying that I make a habit of scowling. I also signed one of the singular acts of my book which was weird and I will not get used to that.
I've been writing a lot recently and it's great to be back in the mood for it. Though I don't like what I've written. I'm not saying it's shit, but it's just more of an adventure than the first book... It's more friendly, I guess is the term.
I apologise for the negative spin today, I'm not one for airing my problems in public but it does seem like a growing number of people seem to be a waste of oxygen. It's becoming a pandemic. Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely weekend, especially my American readers who still have Sunday to come.
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