Thursday, 26 June 2014

Three's a Crowd Thursdays! (No.4)

A bit late in the day, but as promised... I hope you're all well and a huge thank you to this weeks guests.

1. Do I have the permission to share your name? If not, what should we call you?
M: Artemis is a very cool name I would have loved to be called!!
C: Yes dear 
S: Yeah (Laughs)

2. Age?
Artemis: Mental 17, actual 26
Catherine: Old enough
Sean: 27

3. Occupation?
M: The list I could write for this would be never ending for the moment stay at home momma!
C: Team specialist
S: Relationship

4. Have you heard any unimportant news made to seem important?
C: Everyday there's at least 2 wheelie bin fires in Bolton
S: George Romero at London film con (Laughs)

5. Marvel or DC?
M: Oh! I just cannot answer that one!
C: Marvel all the way
S: Marvel

6. T.V show of the week?
M: Penny dreadful, Hannibal, The following, supernatural, criminal minds, once upon a time and NCIS
C: Game of Thrones
S: Californication 

7. The last brilliant film you watched?
M: Pompeii
C: The original dawn of the dead, nothing surpasses it
S: Day of the Dead (1985)

8. How do you feel about a vast amount of men and women appearing in pornography?
M: Personally I enjoy it
C: Each too their own I guess
S: Meh, it’s their decision

9. If you ruled the world, what one thing would you change first?
M: I would sit everyone I a room and make them talk it out, also give everyone one amount of money to start over with and kill anyone who was greedy; I mean like devil greedy. 
C: 3 day weekend every weekend 
S: The law, so it wasn’t a joke

10. What is your favourite sexual position and why?
M: Doggy style, it's rough and I can imagine who I want
C: That's between me and the hubby
S: Not sure if I have a favorite but probably doggy style

11. Do you believe there should be a national holiday to celebrate being naked?
M: I thought that was our birthday, am I doing it wrong?
C: Not with my body, green-peace would have a field day
S: Yes, if Kelly Brook is involved

12.  What was the last book you read that got you excited?
C: define excited? 
S: Not read many, half way through World War Z though

13. If you had one day left to live, what would you spend it doing?
M: Laughing with my children, getting drunk with friends and family and also other recreational things
C: At a theme park with family
S: Getting wasted

14. Who is your favorite Game of Thrones character?
M: I have to admit this but I don't watch it
C: Tyrion, because he's so bloody funny and I love the way he kept giving Joffrey a good wallop.
S: Don’t watch the show, sorry.

15. Do you have a special piece of underwear you wear when you know there is a chance they'll be seen?
M: Leaped print or bright orange boy shorts
C: No, I’ll leave that to the emo’s
S: No (Laughs)

16. Song of the week?
M: Coldplay - Magic
C: Faith no more - Edge of the world
S: Alice Cooper - He's Back (The Man Behind the mask)

17. Do you believe that religion is a truly awful fairytale, meant to control humanity and inspire false hope?
M: Yes I don't believe in religion, more spirituality
C: In a way yes, I feel that the Bible is just the Stephen King of its time
S: Don't really have a strong opinion about religions, if it makes them happy then fine but I disagree with it being used for wars and scare mongering

18. And last but not least, what are your feelings about beastiality? 
M: I'm not opposed to it
C: If sexual relations with something that barks floats your boat, fair dos, but it isn’t for me, even though I've dated dome hounds in my time.
S: Pretty grim not really sure if I want to see a woman fuck an animal 

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