Three contestants will have their scores posted every day until the final two. The current scores will be updated at the bottom of each post. Wish them luck, they'll need it.
Contestants: Nan, Amanda and Kayleigh.
1. How many legs to butterflies have?
Nan: Two (0)
Amanda: Four (0)
Kayleigh: Four (0)
The correct answer is 6.
2. Which is the largest country (by area) in the world? Afghanistan or Russia?
N: Russia (1)
A: Russia (1)
K: Russia (1)
The correct answer is Russia.
3. What planet is closest to the sun?
N: Mars (1)
A: Mercury (2)
K: Mercury (2)
The correct answer is Mercury.
4. Apples IPhone first became available in which year? 2005, 2006 or 2007?
N: 2007 (2)
A: 2005 (2)
K: 2007 (3)
The correct answer is 2007
5. What are female elephants called?
N: Cows (3)
A: Cows (3)
K: Cows (4)
The correct answer is Cows.
6. Who was the first non-royal to appear on a UK postage stamp? Shakespeare or Isaac Newton?
N: Newton (3)
A: Newton (3)
K: Newton (4)
The correct answer is William Shakespeare.
7. What film did Angelina Jolie first appear in?
N: Pass (3)
A: Pass (3)
K: The Bone Collector (4)
The correct answer is Lookin’ to get out.
8. What is a Rhinos horn made of?
N: Keratin (4)
A: Keratin (4)
K: Bone (4)
The correct answer is Keratin (Hair).
9. Ganymede is a moon of which planet?
N: Saturn (4)
A: Jupiter (5)
K: Saturn (4)
The correct answer is Jupiter.
10. Along with whom did Bill Gates found Microsoft?
N: Pass (4)
A: Pass (5)
K: Steve Jobs (4)
The correct answer is Paul Allen.
11. Which science fiction writer wrote the three laws of robotics?
N: Pass (4)
A: Turin (5)
K: Asimov (4.5)
The correct answer is Isaac Asimov.
12. What is the common name for Aurora Borealis?
N: Lights (4.5)
A: Northern Lights (6)
K: Northern Lights (5.5)
The correct answer is Northern Lights.
13. After which person was the teddy bear named? Theodore Roosevelt or Teddy Pendergrass?
N: Theodore Roosevelt (5.5)
A: Theodore Roosevelt (7)
K: Theodore Roosevelt (6.5)
The correct answer is Theodore Roosevelt.
14. Which is the first film in the James Bond franchise?
N: Dr. No (6.5)
A: Casino Royale (7)
K: Dr. No (7.5)
The correct answer is Dr. No.
15. What is the name of the largest part of the human brain?
N: Pass (6.5)
A: Cerebral Cortex (7.5)
K: Cortex (8)
The correct answer is The Cerebrum.
16. What is the real name of the creature Gollum in the lord of the rings?
N: Pass (6.5)
A: Smeagol (8.5)
K: Smeagol (9)
The correct answer is Smeagol.
17. Olympus Mons is a large volcanic mountain on which planet?
N: Mars (7.5)
A: Mars (9.5)
K: Jupiter (9)
The correct answer is Mars.
18. Can you name all of the seven deadly sins emphasized in the film se7en?
N: Pass (7.5)
A: Gluttony, envy, pride, lust, sloth, greed and wraith. (10.5)
K: Gluttony, envy, pride, lust, sloth, greed and wraith. (10)
The correct answer is Gluttony, envy, pride, lust, sloth, greed and wraith.
19. Which is the smallest ocean in the world? Atlantic, Pacific or Arctic?
N: Pacific (7.5)
A: Pacific (10.5)
K: Pacific (10)
The correct answer is Arctic.
20. What is the name of the substance that gives skin and hair its pigment?
N: Pass (7.5)
A: Melanin (11.5)
K: Blood (10)
The correct answer is Melanin.
Final Scores
Amanda: 11.5
Kayleigh: 10
Nan: 7.5
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