1. Do I have the permission to share your name and/or picture? If not, what should we call you?
A: Yes but let me Photoshop it first to remove my amazing jawline and six pack! You can call me ether Iron man or simply Andy or Drew
N: What’s it far? (Upon explaining) Nana Bear
S: Sure
2. Age?
Andy: I am 27 years young
Nana Bear: 63
Sonja: 31 years old
3. Occupation?
A: Security is my main occupation and Web and Graphic design are my second and my passion and what Ii want to be as a career, but I did want to be all sorts whilst growing up…
Typical stuff like footballer but then prime minister cropped up at one point! I still think I could make a great midfielder or win an Oscar for my great acting; That I have no experience of! (Pulls bemused face)
NB: Retired
S: Hairstylist
4. Have you heard any unimportant news made to seem important?
A: Every day…..Entertainment news…”oooh look Rihanna is wearing a dress made by someone, oooh look some kid of a mediocre pop star has died….What? What did she do? Eeeerm… well, she rode her famous father’s coat tails to get into magazines she wrote a column in some crappy celeb obsessed magazine… and took drugs. Not really someone the world will miss then … What about people who have made a difference who pass away gracefully and get no mention. Take a Dennis Ritchie as an example. He died in 2011 the same year as Steve Jobs … and his death is basically ignored yet he made a bigger impact on the world. Whose official biography… I am reading at the moment.
NB: No, I haven’t actually.
S: Anything about the Kardashian family, bunch of talentless skanks.
5. Quote of the week?
A: “Empty your mind; be formless, shapeless like water. You put water into a cup it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot.
Now water can flow or it can crash, be water my friend.” – Bruce Lee
6. T.V show of the week?
A: Well after watching many great T.V shows like, the wire and breaking bad. I have been left with Game of thrones which is AMAZING! Tyrion, Tywin and the hound are my favourite characters.
NB: The Chase
S: "Shameless" is amazing, started it this week.
7. The last brilliant film you watched?
A: Ooooh that is a tough one, I have seen a lot of films lately that have impressed me. To name a few the dark knight rises, Avengers Assemble and the last 2 star trek films. I would say
The film that disappointed was Iron man 3. I was thinking Kingsley was going to be a great villain like Ledger and Tom Hardy.
NB: Planet of the Apes, the old one was on T.V.
S: Out of the Furnace, awesome movie.
8. How do you feel about a vast amount of men and women appearing in pornography?
A: Hmmmm, by this do you mean the celebrity sex tapes? Or just Porn in general? I think we seem to be living in a world of Instant gratification and celebrity where people are famous for fuck all. Kim Kardashians of the world who sleep with musicians and have no discernible talent keep themselves in the limelight by appearing in sex tapes or doing something “scandalous”
NB: Crap, they shouldn’t be doing it should they.
S: Ok I'm super disgusted by the whole X-rated industry, I'm a huge prude.
9. If you ruled the world, what one thing would you change first?
A: (scratches head) Hmmmm… I feel like a miss world contestant now (ha ha) that is a tough one. I have 3 things … Cut back money on military expenditure and put it towards something more worthwhile… Because If the world has one ruler the chance of world wars would be slim! I would put the trillions spent on the world’s militaries each year into science and education.
Oh and religion would be…..eradicated. (Rubs hands together)
NB: Politics, I’d make more jobs a priority.
S: I would end the lives of anyone that's ever harmed an animal. If I ruled the world I'd kill em all and have a bunch more beautiful animals everywhere.
10. What is your favourite sexual position and why?
A: (Stairs at the screen)… midfield? Erm Doggy style! Better vantage point (said in a creepy voice)
NB: On my back! (Laughs)
S: I have class and don't speak of my sexual encounters. I'm American remember, aren't we all prudes to you guys?
11. Do you believe there should be a national holiday to celebrate being naked?
A: No, I think teachers have too many days off. I would rein some of those in.
NB: No, there are enough holidays.
S: No way, 90% of people are not people I'd want to see naked
12. What was the last book you read that got you excited?
A: To be honest most of my reading would be autobiographical, I like to
Read about interesting people. The last book I read that was not that sort was Maybe misery part 1 which I thoroughly enjoyed.
NB: I don’t know.
S: I don't read, short attention span.
13. If you had one day left to live, what would you spend it doing?
A: Gosh I really do not know……Nope, no idea… Too many things, sorry.
NB: Bingo (Laughs)
S: Who knows.
14. What's your favourite joke?
A: I like offensive humour. One I like is … My girlfriend and I went to a restaurant for dinner. It was a nice meal and we were ordering dessert. I asked the waiter how much the pie was.
"£3.14 sir." he replied.
"That's funny." I chuckled.
"What's that sir?" he asked.
"That Downs syndrome boy just tried to hug a heater and burnt himself."
We both had a good laugh.
NB: I don’t know. I know that many but I’ve forgot them all.
15. Do you have a special piece of underwear you wear when you know there is a chance they'll be seen?
A: No, different plastic bag; every day.
NB: Yes, frilly knickers (Laughs)
S: If you only have one great pair then you need new underwear… They should all be able to be seen
16. Song of the week?
A: Hmmmm, I really don’t have one song of the week-maybe a remix
I found of a Jay Z track from 1996 called dead presidents.
NB: Cher – Turn back time
17. Do you believe that religion is a truly awful fairy-tale, meant to control humanity and inspire false hope?
A: Yes, Man is a tooI builder and because we build tools for a specific use we believe that then the earth fills a purpose like a tool and so must have been created by intelligent life. I tend to look to many atheists such as Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens For great quotes about religion.
I also like the puddle analogy by Douglas Adams…
NB: It’s not false hope is it but yes it’s a fairy-tale.
S: Way too deep of a subject to attempt to discuss.
18. What are your feelings on beastiality?
A: …Baa… Baa (includes a picture of a road sign depicting man and sheep together as one)
NB: What are my feelings about that! It’s sick!
S: Those sick fucks are the scum of the earth, fucking disgusting and should be shot. Gross gross gross.
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