Friday, 3 October 2014

The Weekly Round-Down. (No.9)

What a week it's been, talk about a mixed bag of tricks. I signed my contract to leave my night shift, nearly blew my author persona and got one of the best messages ever.

It's true, tomorrow night will be my last night shift... finally! As much as I prefer nights. Working days and nights in the same week is not preferable and the main cause of my zombie like shuffle. I will miss the night shift, but less so now that they've cancelled hot dinners.

It's is true. I very nearly lost my temper. You see saying I nearly blew my author persona is kind of misleading. It's not as if I'm playing a game of pretend. I'm genuinely friendly to the people I get a long with but I try to contain my temper when negativity comes my way and it did. Luckily I was in a digitally public place and JUST managed to contain myself. As much as I wanted to call her a cunt. And that's a word I would never use to describe the female form. Especially seeing as how she didn't even bother to read the question properly and even after I explained it, had another equally annoying comment. Some people are just looking for an argument and seeing as how I'm argumentative, she very nearly came to the right place.

To counteract the negative woman, I got a lovely message of some one who is currently reading Maybe, Misery. Their words were astonishingly kind and the message made my day. And the way she described my writing in such a positive fashion has actually encouraged me to try harder. So we should all take a moment to appreciate all those positive people in our lives. And hope that some kind of virus kills off the negative ones.

Asides from that, it's been a busy week. I am currently going through our Halloween story one last time before I upload it for release on October 24th. We are all so excited to share it with you all. Here's one of the teasers...

And if that doesn't float your boat then here's a picture of a kitten...

But if that first picture did float your boat, then here's the official front cover...

My apologies as well for missing writer's edge on Wednesday.

This week, I managed to watch 22 Jump Street, which was nowhere near as good as the first, but still moderately entertaining and I did enjoy how tongue in cheek it was. I also watched The Grand Budapest Hotel which was fucking fantastic and I suggest you go and watch it straight away!

I hope you you've all had a good week and enjoy the weekend... here is the top 15.

1. (1) Comanche – In This Moment
2. (n/a) Lost in Time (Remix) – Celldweller
3. (n/a) Alien – Ima Robot
4. (n/a) Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode
5. (2) The Devil In I – Slipknot
6. (n/a) End of an Empire – Celldweller
7. (9) Magnetic – Flyleaf
8. (4) All the Right Things – Son Lux
9. (5) Mr. MTV – Nothing More
10. (3) Set Me On Fire – Flyleaf
11. (6) Burn – In This Moment
12. (7) Shut Up And Swallow – Combichrist
13. (8) What the Fuck is Wrong With You – Combichrist
14. (10) Take Out the Gunman – Chevelle
15. (11) Again We Rise – Lamb of God

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