This week, I walked by the sea, resisted the urge to write and successfully moved on to days.
Yes, for a while now... I have wanted to just walk by the sea, I'm not sure why... But regardless, I got my wish. Unfortunately this is England, and my walk was cut down to about two minutes due to a rain storm.
Though my focus should be on The Talon Strand and it has been, I have had this urge to write about an idea I had. I haven't though until I can decide whether I will write any more after Maybe, Misery II.
Yes, that's right... tomorrow, I will NOT be swapping over to nights! I've got the whole Saturday to do with what I please! Can anybody say gym then writing! Plus Saturday is apparently the best day to get people together for my photo shoot. As you know, I'll be making my own teasers using people that I know, as I did with the first book... here is an example of what to expect...
A special thank you goes out to Nav Logan, for sharing pictures of cute kittens on my Facebook page. They indeed brighten my day. I really need one... it's on my list.
Also, I missed writer's edge Wednesdays again so here's a little something I composed in under five minutes...
Calendar Girl
We met under the stars, a gift from afar
My life you entered, heading straight for the center
Happiness prevailed until it derailed
My little calendar girl
It started with a disagreement
I beat you to the pavement
You hit me back with intent
Are life together, a ride of descent
My little calendar girl
I chucked you from a plane
You became a weak and wounded blood stain
Deadly nights and unwelcome fights
We became each other’s plights
My little calendar girl
And like all good things, it came to an end
I had intentionally driven you around that bend
You smothered me in my sleep
And still you couldn't resist the urge to weep
My little calendar girl
And now it’s all over
In my coffin I lie, in the back of a Rover
You sit in your cell
With a story to tell
My little calendar girl
This month see's the release of Nav's new book so hopefully, I'll get my act together and get an interview done. Our Halloween story is growing ever more closer to release and everything is going well, so there'll be news on that soon. As with Maybe, Misery, there will be one (sort of) promotional post on here and that's it. Because though I may break my promise about not ranting, I haven't broke my promise about spamming. No one likes a spammer, they're awful.
Anyway, I may have mentioned the author group on Facebook I am apart of. Each week a different author is promoted by the rest. it involves sharing links and what not. So instead of that... here is a piece she has put together. Her name is Eden Elsworth and she is quite lovely...
Eden Elsworth lives in Dorset, England, with her teenage son, her partner and fellow author, Jack Silince, and a lunatic cat.
The fourth in her Real World series, The Time of Despair brings together all the characters from the first three books; Halfbreeds, Lupine Tendencies and Warrior Rising. Book five, The Real World, will be released on 3rd October.
Miss Elsworth has also written an erotic romance, Sebastian’s Journal, and co-written two others, Riding Steel and Reflections of Man, with Jack Silince.
She has also begun another series, Rowena Engle, paranormal investigator, and the first book in the series is free to download.
Excerpt for Halfbreeds:
Her eyelids shooting open suddenly, Natalie heaved air into her panicked lungs, sweat beading her forehead and top lip, her body full of adrenaline from the strange dream of being pursued by the red-eyed threat, the sound of sirens. None of the images clarified enough for her to remember properly, remaining a jumble of fear.
Her shoulder hurt. It throbbed and stung, as if something had torn all the skin off it.
Feeling a hand over it gingerly, Natalie was surprised to find she wasn’t bleeding. When she put her fingers on the pain, it didn’t even really hurt. The pain wasn’t hers. She didn’t know whose it was. Someone important. Someone vital.
Still terrified, Natalie buried her head under the tangle of blankets and tried to stop her heart racing, blood pounding in her ears so she couldn’t hear properly. It had only been a dream; it wasn’t real.
Keep saying that, a little voice in the back of her head told her. Say it enough and you might believe it. Just like the things in the dark. Everyone told her they were her imagination, as if they could make it so by saying it constantly. As if they could convince Natalie that was the case. Natalie knew the things were real. They pressed against her window at night. She felt their eyes on her if the curtains weren’t properly closed. She hid under the blankets then too, petrified of approaching the window and shutting the curtains properly herself. It didn’t matter how hot she got at night in the summer, nothing would persuade her to leave the wooden sash open even a crack. She often woke crying in the night, feeling the things pressing in on her.
In the suffocating air under her covers, Natalie kept her fingers pressed on her shoulder to stop it hurting and screwed her eyes tightly shut, counting her breaths in and out as a way of trying to settle herself. Slowly, her heart settled back into her chest rather than trying to block her throat, choking her as she tried to breath.
By the time her small body began to slacken into a natural sleep, dawn was creeping like the thief of sleep over the horizon.
If you like the sound of her work, you can find out more here: Eden's Facebook Page
And to finish us off, here's your top 15...
1. (n/a) Flickers – Son Lux
2. (1) Comanche – In This Moment
3. (6) End of an Empire – Celldweller
4. (3) Alien – Ima Robot
5. (4) Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode
6. (2) Lost in Time (Remix) – Celldweller
7. (5) The Devil In I – Slipknot
8. (n/a) The Propaganda – Limp Bizkit
9. (7) Magnetic – Flyleaf
10. (12) Shut Up And Swallow – Combichrist
11. (8) All the Right Things – Son Lux
12. (9) Mr. MTV – Nothing More
13. (10) Set Me On Fire – Flyleaf
14. (11) Burn – In This Moment
15. (14) Take Out the Gunman – Chevelle
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