Friday, 31 October 2014

The Not-So Great Escape.

So I've been think quite a lot in recent days *sound of a cog chunking along* mostly about writing. As it would appear I change my mind, more than a woman changes her mind about the outfit she's wearing, a certain amount of reflection would appear necessary... but not that much, that I become absorbed. I've been manage to read quite a bit lately, which has nothing to do with anything, I just wanted to get that out there. I'm just joking, it does. Amidst the brilliant books I have been reading, I have continuously read Maybe, Misery.

Each time I read it, I like it a little bit less. I am proud of it, but it is juvenile. It's pretty much the literature version of Luc Besson's The Fifth Element... he wrote it when he was twelve. And it dawns on my that Maybe, Misery is my high school book. Despite its good points, there's no way around the fact that I would of written a story exactly like that during my high school exams. Filled with sex, violence and all things silly. Well maybe not the sex.

The Talon Strand grows on this, even in it's early draft, it is nowhere near as silly as Maybe, Misery. It has its moments but there is definite growth in the undertones... somewhere. It's at the point now where I am close to printing it out to get a good look at it on paper. I see more clearly that way. My eyes go bog eyed staring at a screen all day... Again I kid, I have no ability to go bog eyed.

Now, to my point. Due to the realisation that I haven't written the best book I could have written, I feel I need to write my Great Gatsby. Yes, that is a bold claim. I don't mean about the life and times of this generation... that would just be a book about me complaining about humanity. I mean, that perfect book, words flow flawlessly and every sentence almost seems like poetry. Where reading it feels like you're experiencing it for yourself.

And the painful truth is, that I can't do that with The Talon Strand. The subject matter just isn't right. It's supposed to be an 'out there' tale. It is bloody fiction after all.

So what is my grand plan you ask?

I haven't got a clue. Not a single one. I just know now, that I won't be done writing until I am 100% sure that I can't do any better. Which as of Maybe, Misery... I know I can.

So on this Halloween day of Birthdays, births and spook goings on...

Here's a toast, to you, me and the redemptive future.

*I'm sure that last line was straight out of Maybe, Misery. *Awkward silence*

The Weekly Round-Down. (No.13) Halloween Edition.

How gleefully apt, that Halloween falls on the thirteenth edition of this post. I hope you all have lovely plans for Halloween. Here in England, it's as glum as our government. Kids knocking on the door expecting money, dressed as teenagers. It's my Nan's birthday today... I remember, when I was a young whipper-snapper, my Nan was still my best friend. In her closet, she kept a broom all year round, claiming that she was a witch. No, some twenty-odd years later, watching her pinch my last Eccles cake, I'm still inclined to believe her. I went around to see her and gave her our Halloween book, in which I wish her happy birthday. Definitely beats a card.
Rather than tell you about my week this week, I think we'll keep it to a minimum. It's been good. There, that's done.

During the aftermath of our Halloween release, we are sorting out getting some of the paperback copies sorted to be signed by each of us, which is awesome. I really can't describe how awesome it has been working on this project. So my thanks go to Nav, Ava, Rick and Ken for allowing me the pleasure of working with them, especially as I was the junior author amongst them. Though this book may be short and written in under three months, I consider it an achievement to have worked with four fantastic authors. So to celebrate Happy Halloween, which you can get (Here). I'd also like to present four drabbles written by each of us for this occasion, so enjoy...

The Feast by C.S. Bailey

The 31st of October is Halloween. But for me, it’s known as the feast. I am the ghost that haunts your room at night, the demon that hides under your bed or the clown that scares you to death.
Dressed in my clothes or what you would call a costume I head into the dimly lit streets of my neighbourhood looking for treats.
Banging on the doors of houses; clattering my hands against the windows and ringing the bells recklessly. I want people to know I’m coming for them.

Until, my mother grabs my hand and tells me to behave.

Burning Down the House by Nav Logan

The dry timber crackled into life, starting with the flaming brand and quickly becoming an inferno. Soon, the heat became as hot as the depths of Hades.

The spirits which had dwelled for so long in the ancient timbers of the house, shrieked their protest. Their sanctuary was being destroyed.

They clung desperately to their past lives, wanting to remain in the land of the living, but the hooligans in a rash moment of drunken stupidity had evicted them from their home.

Now the ghostly spirits were released into the night.

They would seek retribution for this act of vandalism.

TIME TO PARTY by Rick Haynes

Padding silently through the dense foliage the werewolves sought a high point to observe their quarry.
As the dancing at the Halloween party reached a frenzy, they sensed that a golden opportunity awaited them below.

Razor-sharp teeth gleamed in the moonlight as they saw their prey exposed in the intense disco lights. Their howls would soon ring out as human flesh and blood would once again fill empty stomachs.

A huge bang; the crowd screamed; the darkness total.

As the evil creatures raced towards their feed, bright lights suddenly exposed them.

“Bollocks! Cut! Cut! Cut! Whose bloody mobile just rang?”

Happy Halloween! by Lady A. K. Michaels

Just a few short hours until my favourite time of the year. A measly amount of time and then I can roam free, search out some sustenance without the fear of detection. How stupid these humans are, not knowing the difference between a costume and a real monster in their midst. All the better for me. Blood and nectar! My heart beats madly in my chest with excitement as my trusty hound waits, anticipating my letting him lose on my victims. After all, an attack by a wild beast covers up my...proclivities! Happy Halloween everyone!

Also, as an extra treat, here is a short story by Mandy Dowson titled The Raven.

The throne was a monstrosity of twisted and contorted bones.  The sharp pain of a splintered femur stabbing her thigh was almost enough to bring a grimace to her face.  Almost, but not quite.  She smiled, her lips stretching thin, exposing a set of perfect pearly whites, and she nodded once, decisively.  The time was at hand, the moment was now, and revenge would be hers.
Distantly, her mind recalled her previous splendour, as in a dream it seemed to be a wispy and uncertain thing.  She had been glorious.  She had been golden and beautiful and undamaged.  Once.

As if to torment her, the sudden vision of the past shone e’er brighter in her mind, flashing in wonderful and terrible snippets she named Regret, Shame, and Betrayal.
This is all that is left to me, she thought, letting her eyes wander the vast hall stuffed to bursting with all manner of perversity and pain.  There in a corner, a rutting couple repeatedly stabbed and jabbed with dagger and spear.  Here, a rotting corpse, still shockingly sentient, pleaded with its ghastly maw of a mouth.  For release or for mercy, it mattered not, neither were to be had here.
She had Fallen, yes.  Fallen from grace and all that was pure and perfect.  Her crucible, a simple human man.  He tempted her so, and loved her not.  So guileless had she been, so blind to treachery that she hadn’t realized the peril she had placed her soul into until it was far too late.  Sighing, she shifted on her throne of bones, relishing the sensation of pain as another bead of blood wound its way down the back of her calf.

So Fallen, she had been damned.  Banished to the realm of despair and madness and loss.  Hell, to be named correctly.  Many were the realms of Hell and legion were its guests.  The throne she perched upon made her the over-seer of this particular realm, but no less a guest herself.  The Realm of Scorned Lovers was generous to its guests, granting them each a boon, if they but ask.  Those with no desire for revenge were moved on, their visit here only transitory.  But for those like herself, who not only accepted their revenge but yearned, burned and existed for it, their stay was permanent.  The cost of their revenge was paid forever.  Though it mattered not to her.
So far from the gentle and loving being she had previously been, her desire for revenge drove her.  Only that, and nothing more.

“Come,” she whispered feverishly.  “Come and let me taste that which I most lust for.”
A flutter of wings, and the creature landed lightly upon her shoulder, whispering of the madness it would bring to its intended victim.  Eyes glistening with excitement, she softly stroked the beaked head of her pet, her instrument.
“Go forth,” she told it.  “And remind him of all he ever gave to me.”
Quoth the raven, “Nevermore.”

On the kindle this week, I have read two wonderful short stories. The shorter of the two, titled The Ghost Writer by our very own Bryan Thomas was a very humorous look at celebrity culture. So if you hate all that celebrity nonsense as much as I do, you can check it out here. The second was a lovely children's tale by the talented Jolie. You can check that out here.

I won't post my top 15 but I will tell you that my favourite Halloween song is 'Kidnap the Sandyclaws' by KoRn. It's off the Nightmare before CHRIStmas soundtrack.

I hope you all have a wonderful day! I just found out that our Rick Haynes is a Grandparent, so congratulations to you Mr. Rick!

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Attempt At Poetry Wednesdays! (No.11)

Yeah, I left it until the last minute a-bloody-gain. So in the spirit of my forgetfulness, here is...

The Last Minute

It started with a rejection
You turned me down
Throwing me by the way side
Followed by a period of self reflection.

But I persevered
I never lost my cool
And I tried and tried again
For yet another negative answer was all I feared.

This time, there was change
Your eyes shining as you smiled
The word yes left your lips
Still to this day, I still found it strange.

We dated for a long time
And took it easy as could be
Until I hearts took control
As we sang our own chime.

Things took a turn for the worse
You became down right unwell
The doctors told me there was no hope
But I kept my sadness scarce.
Our love become infinite
Beyond the stars
Sadness incarnate as you took your last breathe
Just know I have cheered every moment
Right to the last minute.

Second guessing for a second time.

It occurs to me, that maybe I just shouldn't say anything. Not necessarily become a mute, but anything regarding what I plan to do. The other day, I posted that after The Talon Strand, my writing would become almost non-existent. Which, honestly was a hard thing to say. Anyway, we automatically assume that our brain will do the rest and move on... acceptance and all that jazz.

No! Not my brain! Not a fucking chance. Ever since I made that stupid bloody post, my brain has taken it upon its self to pound me into submission with ideas about my books and not a single idea has been about the two books I have planned to finish, those being The Talon Strand and Beating hearts. Speaking of which, Beating hearts is looking really good. I'll have to tell you a bit about it soon but it's great working with Jolie.

Even yesterday, after work I went to my Nan's as I usually do on a Tuesday evening. Except the bugger wasn't in, just a note explaining she'd gone gallivanting off to bingo somewhere. So then I decided to make some tea, a large quantity of tuna and pasta, it's the simple things. But much to my chagrin, Nan had either hidden/chucked away the dodgy tin opener. I soon gave up on cooking and decided on a burger and chips from the take-away... Anyway, to my point! On the way there, I was actually debating with myself on ways I could improve one of my stories (Indigo Watch) out loud in the middle of the street. Luckily I had the cover of darkness.

I am a strong believer in fate but only to the degree that fate is mainly a chance occurrence made so by our choices. I do not believe it is fate for me to write. Perhaps, deep down buried in my genetic material, there is a collective need to express myself through words but that isn't fate. So now, rather than make decisions that my brain obviously doesn't agree with, I will just see how things go and move on... acceptance and all that jazz - Though upon comprehending that I've accepted it's premises, I wouldn't be surprised if my brain changed its mind and not a single idea popped up.

Anyway, before I swing off to the gym and lose my mind (or at least appear so), I will be attempting poetry later, if my brain will let me.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Story-time with the Four Bananas. (No.16)

*Sigh of relief* *Slight moan and as you sink into your chair with your preferred hot beverage* *Excitement as you know what's coming* Yes, it's that time again, so sit back, relax and enjoy these drabbles from your bananas.

Miss Halloween (November) by C.S. Bailey

A relaxing bonfire will surely take my mind of recent goings on. Work has been peaceful since Sarah was sent off to supermarkets across the country.

It was only on Halloween that I took a turn for the worse. Attending the party of a work colleague, I came across the most wonderful specimen. Donna – Young, youthful and bewitching, pun intended.
Unfortunately Donna turned out to be nothing more than a thief, stealing the urn in which I keep my mother’s ashes.

As Donna’s skin burns away to the bone, this is the first bonfire I have enjoyed in a while.

Bread Delivery by Nav Logan
“.. And the next part is ‘Give us this day our daily bread ...” explains the priest patiently.

“Is that like meals on wheels, Father?” asked little Johnny.

The priest sighs, “No Johnny, it isn’t...”

“Why can’t the Christians go to Tesco’s like everybody else?”

Father Murphy has been at this too long to get drawn into a theology debate with a seven-year-old. First Communion Day is fast approaching, and they still haven’t covered the basics.

"The next bit is ... ‘And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors’."

“Ah,” Johnny replies, “That’ll be about those feckin’ bankers!”

The Killer by Bryan Thomas
"Murderer!" said ten-year-old Ian.
"I... I didn't mean to... It just happened," said nine-year-old Luke.
Ian scrutinised the victim. "Why, Luke? Why?"
"I don't know... I... I just--"
"Just what?"
"I just didn't think."
"And now you've taken a life."
"It... It was an accident, okay?"
"Luke, I was watching you, it was no accident."
Luke lowered his head and looked at the floor.
"Let's go, before someone finds the body," said Ian, prising a rolled-up magazine out of Luke's hand.
A fly lay motionless on the window ledge - all six legs in the air.

TO HAVE IT ALL! by Rick Haynes

Being strong of body and with quick feet gave Carlos Valentino the perfect physique to exploit his talents as a professional footballer. Alas, Carlos loved a good party.
Every evening he wined and dined different ladies. Many were passing acquaintances of the night, whilst others were there to be seen. Carlos had it made, or so he thought.
After entertaining a French mademoiselle he arrogantly announced.
‘In nine months, you will have a son. You may call him Carlos. Viva Espana!’
She replied.
‘In a few days you will have a rash. You may call it measles. Vive la France!’

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Happy Birthday Mr. Talon

That's right, Maybe, Misery is three months old today and boy its gone... slow! Slow as hell, especially when you consider in that time, I have released a second edition, co-written and released Happy Halloween, writing a sizeable portion of Beating Hearts and finished the first draft of The Talon Strand. It seems like a lot bloody longer I can tell you that.

Today, to celebrate I spent the day reading most of The Talon Strand and to say the least; it is a very different story. Where as Maybe, Misery was a loud, brash tale of one man's sex drive and constant dodging of sexual harassment lawsuits, The Talon Strand is extremely different. Each of its five characters are completely different and there stories deal with the aftermath of Talon's selfish decisions.

Reading it today made me realise that I do like it, just not as much as the first. The first was naughtier, where this is more heart felt - more of a drama.

Clicking the back button, I came across all the folders of stories that I started and there's a fair few. There's Nova, Indigo Watch, my collection of drabbles/short stories/poems and a host of others that may never see the light of day. I may never get to finish them. Still to this day, I have never taken the title of Writer. I simply wrote a book and showed it to the world. What has come since then, has just be a fun flow.

The realisation is, is that I wanted to write a screen play and make a film after I had finished my book. I've finished my book now and more so.

So once Beating Hearts is finished and The Talon Strand is released, that may be the end of my time writing.

To be fair, I have been encouraged to keep writing and I do love it, but it takes up so much time, so much effort that if I was to keep doing it; it would have to be because I wanted to be a writer. Maybe when I retire, it would be a more suitable choice.

I'm not saying I'll never write another bloody word, but perhaps it wont be my priority as it has been for a while.

Anyway on a brighter note... lets celebrate, mainly because my teas here.

Friday, 24 October 2014

The Weekly Round-Down. (No.12) Mammoth Edition!

I'd actually say this week has been a good week... nothing bad has actually happened, well from what I can remember. I purchased my Ebola kit, paid an extortionate amount of money for mouthwash and oh, yes... released a book!

It's true. Due to my blatant cynicism wherever mankind is involved, I have little faith in the containment of any virus. Call it paranoia if you like, but if there's one thing I'm good at, it's surviving. And if mankind ends up exterminated, I'll be sitting in the dark, all alone feeling smug. Mouthwash should be essential in everybody's routine... especially those bastard mouth-breathers that like to invade your personal space. Running out, I quickly nipped to my local Tesco... £7 quid for mouthwash... robbing bastards. Of course I paid it, either that or build on the paranoia of having bad breath in the midst of the apocalypse :p

Now, for the brighter news. A long time ago, Myself and a few others came up with the idea of writing a short story together, it was called The Call of the Wild... do you remember that? We we enjoyed it and we built upon it. Myself, A.K. Michaels, Nav Logan and Rick Haynes decided to write a short story. It wasn't even that long ago, but today sees its release! I'm extremely proud of all of us, for accomplishing it, in such a short space of time. Ken Magee even chimed in with a excellent cameo and (The Awesome) David Wailing even proof read it for us, for those who remember, he was my excellent editor for Maybe, Misery. It's been a fantastic experience, even the endless supply of emails and I'll be sad to see it end. A.K sorted out our covers and it looks fantastic... I even managed to wish my Nan a Happy Birthday in the authors notes! So, now I have bought her a copy of the book instead of a bloody card, seeing as how her Birthday is on Halloween. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been either involved or supportive, it's meant a lot to us all. All of our profits are being donated to the Kindle users forum (where we all met) and another charity (homeless kittens?) so check it out here: Happy Halloween, Amazon Uk

What else? Or yes, Beating hearts is also coming along nicely and the 20/20 quiz should hopefully soon be ready. After this, I'm going to concentrate on The Talon Strand. I both Jolie and Wendy read the introduction and they both said it was good and sounded like a woman. Which the introduction is by a female character so thankfully that makes sense.

Eilis said she idolises camels... this both amused and concerned me.

I watched The Lego movie! I'm not one for nostalgia but if there's one film that filled me with child-like glee, it was that.

I'm sure some other stuff happened... you see, this is what happens when I don't blog every day, I forget! Oh... who has seen the new Avengers trailer! It's fantastic, though I can't wait to see Vision.

Here is a spotlight for the wonderful Kristina Canady...

Kristina on Facebook
Kristina's Website

Hello, my name is Kristina Canady. I am a new author and have written two books in my paranormal romance series, The Lunar Eclipse Series. Part III is due out in April on the next Lunar Eclipse. Being a hard working mom/ nurse with a bit of a realists mouth, and sometimes a sailors one- I wanted to write something more women could relate to as I too occasionally tire of “perfect-happily-ever-endings” and like to mix it up. After a few ranting sessions with my girlfriends about all the perfect love stories we’ve read, I decided to write a not-so-perfect love story that we could connect to as love can hurt like no other. They loved it, but they can be biased, so off I set into the self-publishing world to see if my passion for writing can take me somewhere.

Tell us about your latest book:

Midnight Unveiled (Part II) The Lunar Eclipse Series:

Possession is far from her ideals, yet, that is what everyone around her is aiming for. How will she clear her mind to claim herself?

He wants her – a beautiful trophy for his collection, but she’s not ready to be “owned” by any relationship, let alone one that is against her will. How far will he go to possess her, and is love powerful enough to save her? Sasha Green continues her journey in this second instalment of the Lunar Eclipse Series to find her place in the vampire world while grieving the human life she will be forced to leave behind. Can she find the deep, meaningful love that her soul cries out for, or will fate decide a different destiny for her heart?

Midnight Bloom (Part I) The Lunar Eclipse Series:

Fate has determined her role, and he wants nothing to do with it. But, will either of them be able to resist the midnight cravings?
In this first novel of the Lunar Eclipse series, Sasha learns of the unusual hand that fate has dealt her and finds herself caught up in a battle between her moral compass and her innermost primitive desires. As she evolves into her predetermined role, she must question her fear against myth and weigh the value of all that she's previously committed to against the fulfilment of the path that an unknown force is pushing her to walk.

I almost forgot! I have a logo! Talk about feeling like a super-hero... especially when I've finished at the gym! My thanks go to the talented girls who sorted it for me and our book cover!

Here is your top 15, I'll see you all soon and enjoy the weekend...

1. (2) Down – 311
2. (1) Flickers – Son Lux
3. (4) End of an Empire – Celldweller
4. (n/a) Sex & Lies – Nothing More
5. (5) Comanche – In This Moment
6. (n/a) Empire – Kasabian
7. (3) 100 Ways to Hate – Five Finger Death Punch
8. (7) Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode
9. (n/a) Stalemate – Enter Shikari
10. (n/a) Stellar – Incubus
11. (6) Lost in Time (Remix) – Celldweller
12. (8) Alien – Ima Robot
13. (15) Set Me On Fire – Flyleaf
14. (10) The Propaganda – Limp Bizkit
15. (13) All the Right Things – Son Lux

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Attempt At Poetry Wednesdays! The Return? (No.10)

Yes, I know what you're all thinking. All that whining, all that complaining and yet it returns. Well the facts are that one: Statistics proved that Writers Edge was less popular. Two: I haven't had the time for Writers Edge, in case you haven't noticed my blogging's frequency has decreased and three: I wrote two poems so I figured I should share them. Anyway, if this is the return, I promise that I won't complain... about poetry at least. So enjoy these poems, one for the lovers and one for the jilted...

 The Warmth

The smile cast upon your face
The warmth it brings

The way your eyes glisten with glee
The warmth it brings

The touch of your lips upon mine
The warmth it brings

The way you gently hold my hand
The warmth it brings

The way I gaze at your fiery hair swaying in the wind
The warmth it brings

The way you leave your scent on my pillow
The warmth it brings

The feeling I get, knowing you could be forever mine
The warmth it brings

As I gaze across in your direction, grinning as you sing, you will never be able to comprehend the warmth it brings.

The Cold

The way you undermined my every word
The cold I feel

The way you dismissed my opinions without a second thought
The cold I feel

The way you’d fight with me for no reason
The cold I feel

The way you abused me with your words
The cold I feel

The way you kicked me when I was down
The cold I feel

The way you packed my bags and forced me to leave
The cold I feel

The way you struggled and strained as I fucking drowned you in that murky river
The cold I feel is no more

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Story-time with the Four Bananas. (No.15)

It's that moment you wait all week for, the moment me and my resplendent bananas entertain you, so enjoy this weeks selection of drabbles.

P.S. I think something may be returning tomorrow.

Kerosene Dream by Chris 'Chaos' Bailey

I met this woman last night, about five foot tall, dirty blonde hair down to her shoulders, pale skin and blue eyes to melt in to. I approached with confidence, with finesse and said all the right things. Big house, big car and I’m not overcompensating.

Needless to say, she would be mine. Back at her place, our bodies collided in a fit of passion. We ripped the clothes off our bodies and made love with the heat of a thousand fires.

I’m still burning today…

Especially when I pee, hopefully this cream the doctor has given me will help.

The Surprise Present by Nav 'Mayhem' Logan

“You want me give you good hand job,” she asked in that sultry Vietnamese accent. Her smile was like a ray of sunshine on the miserable autumnal day.
I admit that I was a little taken back by her offer. After all, I’d only come into the boutique to book a manicure and massage for my wife’s birthday. I didn’t know what to say.
As she took my builder’s hand in her delicate fingers, I could feel my pulse racing.
“You no look after well!” she scolded. “Too dry! In bad need of hand job.”
Realisation finally dawned on me.

Shelfie by Bryan 'slot it in' Thomas

"Mum! I've set your Facebook page up."
"Thanks, sweetie. Here's my shelfie photo."
"Say what? Shelfie? I think you mean selfie?"
"No, it's a photo of my bookshelf."
"You're yanking my chain, right?"
"Not at all."
"Um... Little Women, Catcher in the Rye, Animal Farm - Animal Farm! Ewww! Is that bestiality and stuff?"
"Anna, Animal Farm is a classic of English literature."
"It sounds totally pervy to me."
"Everything sounds 'totally pervy' to teenagers."
"Seriously, you can't have that on your Facebook page."
"I can, and I will."
"Yeah, well don't expect me to send you a friend request."

THE TUNNEL by Rick 'Rude boy' Haynes

A harsh metallic voice echoed through the loudspeaker system.
‘Please have your tickets ready for inspection.’
The train pulled away. The passengers looked pale and sallow; their eyes vacant and staring. Fear emanated from every pore.
The fear intensified as a black mist drifted from seat to seat.
Travellers turned to each other for comfort.
Hideous faces peered through the windows.
A woman screamed.
A man fell.
Mr Metal spoke again.
‘Tunnel ahead!’
‘Welcome to hell!’
The carriage violently shook.
Red lights flashed.
Total black became brilliant white as the train abruptly stopped.
‘Please exit the ride to the right!’

Friday, 17 October 2014

The Weekly Round-Down. (No.11)

It's been a good week this week - one of those weeks were not much goes wrong and you hardly get tempted to bludgeon someone with a hammer... Wait, that happened on Tuesday, but asides from that, its been good. Even Tuesday ended up being a good day, the calm before the shit-storm perhaps? It's still slightly strange being off tomorrow, I'm not sure what to do with my day. This week I nearly lost my trainers, attended Nav's event and gave myself lots more to do.

It's true, I decided to make a second attempt at a walk by the sea. All was well and the weather was nice, unfortunately I stumbled too far out and the sand appeared to be mush... It was a fun yet messy challenge making it back to dry land. My good friend Nav had his book release event and I actually made it there on time... well after the gym at least. He did well and I dread the day when I have to host an event, I much prefer to be a fork on the table than the centre piece. I have also successfully started a second 20/20 quiz! I told you I'm determined. I guess I should thank Eilis, though she did chicken out, she did get two of her friends involved. So yeah, I've got all that to sort out. Plus a interview, the Halloween book release, bookmarks, The talon Strand, Beating Hearts and probably some other stuff I have forgotten about! My memory is a disaster.

Reminder to self: Order Nan some shopping, because when she goes herself, she comes back with bacon, eggs and three different types of cake.

What else... Oh yes, here is the spotlight for the talented Nicky White. I was supposed to do it during the week, but I have been slightly busy, or so it would appear. Any way she's awesome and you should check her out.I'll hopefully be getting an interview done with her soon, you know how I love to ask people silly questions.

Nicky's Book
Nicky on The Facebook
Nicky's Blog


Raven Pierce vowed to escape the hot and humid climate of Missouri and never look back. After completing her graduate program, she drags her sun-loving, winter-hating best friend to start a new life in Minnesota with its cold crisp air and blankets of snow. Raven’s main focus is her new career and truly establishing her own identity. The last thing she intends to do as she is building a new life is to fall in love. As her luck would have it, one evening a minor accident sends Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome to her rescue. What starts out as the perfect relationship begins to turn challenging when tragedy strikes and pulls her grief-stricken boyfriend into a dark and unpredictable frame of mind. Raven finds herself fighting for love in an unfamiliar, confusing, and sometimes dark terrain.


Nicky grew up in a small town in the Midwest, where she still resides. She has her Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. She works part of the time in Kansas City and the other part in her home town. Juggling between family, work, and writing, she stays very busy; never a dull moment. Writing has always been a passion and talent of hers. Her mother was also a writer, but of poetry. Nicky has written her fair share of poems, but the idea of writing a novel is what truly pulled at her heart strings. She started writing Raven's Innocence last fall, which has just been released. She will then diligently start writing her next book, Raven's Undoing.

Oh shit yeah, speaking of books... I completely re-structured Maybe, Misery II as well, but more on that some other time. So anyway, as it would appear I have plenty to do; and I've probably missed loads out, so I'll leave you with the top 15. Until next time humans, have a good one :)

1. (1) Flickers – Son Lux 
2. (n/a) Down – 311  
3. (n/a) 100 Ways to Hate – Five Finger Death Punch
4. (3) End of an Empire – Celldweller
5. (2) Comanche – In This Moment
6. (6) Lost in Time (Remix) – Celldweller
7. (5) Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode
8. (4) Alien – Ima Robot
9. (7) The Devil In I – Slipknot
10. (8) The Propaganda – Limp Bizkit  
11. (9) Magnetic – Flyleaf
12. (10) Shut Up And Swallow – Combichrist
13. (11) All the Right Things – Son Lux
14. (12) Mr. MTV – Nothing More
15. (13) Set Me On Fire – Flyleaf

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Bailey & Friends: Nav Logan

Today is a day of celebration. My good friend Nav has released the first book in his Storm-Bringer Saga, so this post is pure to honour his mischief, enjoy...

You can find out more about Nav here:
Nav's books
Nav on The Facebook

Here's some drabbles from the man himself:

Moon-fire Sacrifice

In the light of the moon, a shaman incants to the rhythmic beating of the drummers. Before him, the sacrifice struggles helplessly within her wicker cage. Dry kindling awaits a spark to erupt into an inferno and consume the offering.

The shaman summons a delicate blue flame, and coaxes it onto the kindling. In moments, a bonfire erupts, but this fire is devoid of heat. No smoke emerges as the blue flames envelop the wood, the wickerwork cage, and the victim within. The Moon-fire is as cold as a crypt, as silent as cancer.

Ash drifts away on the breeze.

The Man from Uffington

I’m a simple farmer, barely making ends meet. I scratch a living from the chalky soil each day, while my mind dreams of better things.

My wife berates me for constantly drawing pictures. She doesn’t understand my compulsion, my need to create. It drives me on to greater things.

Ignoring the mockery of the villagers, I rise work each day on my hill. I wield my mattock until my shoulders ache, and then dig some more, all the while singing praises to Epona.

Finally my work is done, and I stand back and admire my hill, my wonderful white horse.


The full moon hangs like a bloated overripe melon. I find myself dreaming of owls hunting in the night. I am one with a majestic Barn Owl, gliding effortlessly around the ruins of an ancient megalithic tomb.

Beneath a twisted oak my body lies in slumber, while my mind sours on the light breeze. I am transformed into the silent ghost who reaps death upon mice and voles. A deadly hunter with a brood of young to feed

My heart skips a beat as my claws rake across the back of a rat.

I hear its death screech and wake.

And here is an interview I did for his Facebook event

Nav Logan, the man, the mystery of Ireland. We met under the digital moon light of the kindle user’s forum and we have spoken pretty much every bloody day since. Even when I’m feeling psychotic, Nav pops up with a picture of a cute kitten to cheer up my day.

We have since worked on two short stories together and now a third, the soon released Happy Halloween.

Today, Nav releases his third book in his popular Storm-bringer Saga so to celebrate his release; here are some questions with the author of the day.

1. So Mr. Nav, did you just wake up on one foggy morning and decide you wanted to write a book? Or was it a life-long dream?

My first book was a bit of an accident actually. It started out as a poem, which will be featured on a forthcoming compilation. At the time, I was working for a local organic food cooperative and business was slow, so I started to write the first chapter to while away the day. My co-workers, Celine and Marie, asked me what I was doing, and soon wanted to read the story. Every day for the next month or so, I would start my day by clearing all my work for the day, and then I would read the last chapter and give it a brief edit. Then I would write the next chapter. It just grew and grew until finally the book was complete. A special thanks to Celine and Marie, and to my kids, Liam and Darragh. They were my first fans.

2. Why don’t you tell us a bit about the Storm-Bringer Saga and what you hope to achieve by its end?

LOL, have we got all night?  The Storm-Bringer Saga  is a work of epic fantasy, so there is an awful lot going on. There are a whole heap of plots and subplots all twisted together and enough cast to make a director pull his hair out. There are twenty one gods and forty two main characters, plus other bit parts.

That said, the heart of the story is about Maerlin, the girl who will become a Storm-Bringer and is destined to save the world. It’s about her and the challenges she has to endure, the friends she meets, the enemies she vanquishes and what she has to go through to become the Storm-Bringer.  It is a coming of age adventure filled with laughs, tension, horror and feel-good factor. Sadly, there are no unicorns.

3. What are your feelings on being told you look like Star Wars maestro George Lucas?

I think you have that wrong, Chris. It’s the other way around. Poor Lucas is always calling me up complaining that people keep demanding his autograph, but when they find out it’s not me, they are crestfallen.

4. You’re throwing a dinner party and you have room for three guests. Which three authors, past and present would you invite?

Mmmm, that’s a tough one. So many to choose from.  James Herbert, David Eddings, and George Orwell, but there are so many other great authors knocking at the door, including my fellow Banana men.

5. What advice would you give to someone desperately wanting to write their first book?

Stop thinking about it and get on with it. Thinking will achieve nothing. Expect difficulties and problems, but get on with it and persevere.
Also, before thinking of publishing, hire a good proofreader and editor, if at all possible. There is only so much that you, or friends and family can spot. There will be errors, expect them and try to do the best you can. There will be critics and set backs , so grow a thick skin, but believe in yourself. Everyone has a story to tell.

6. You’re currently working on a collection of drabbles, a collection of poems and a collection of short stories, why don’t you tell us a bit about that?

I’ve been writing poems and short stories since I was a kid, drabbles came later, but I can handle it, I’m not addicted. It’s just a phase, honest! Anyway, I have loads of good ones sitting around so I thought I’d make a compilation up. When I started to compile them, I realized just how much I had lying around. I Had enough for three books, let alone one. So I might do a series, a mix of drabbles poems and short stories, or I might do three separate books . I’m still editing, but I have about 150 drabbles, 100 poems and around twenty short stories. Many of them are on my webpage, but there are a few surprises too

7. You’re on a Desert Island, a rabid panther tries to chew on your leg; do you shove your copy of Maybe, Misery in its mouth, knowing it’s your only form of entertainment? Or do you save it and pray that its teeth aren’t that sharp?

Nav never answered this question and later confessed he would sacrifice Maybe, Misery much to the chagrin of the interviewer.

8. Being a long standing member of the indie community, what would you say is your favorite part of it?

I’m not long standing, I prefer to sit down when I’m typing. Children take note. Stop standing over your lap tops. It’s bad for your backs. You’ll regret it later. … and rucksacks! Forget about them. They may look cool, but wheels make travel so much easier!
Where was I , Oh yes. The Indie author community. There are some great people  I’ve met, friendly, and willing to give advice and a helping hand out. And what talent! The Book Industry turns their noses up at Indie Authors, but they are missing out on some really good books.

9. Having never met Bryan Thomas in real life, do you believe he is actual a talking unicorn, trying to find his place in the world by using social networking to change our perceptions of talking animals?

I met my wife on line and we’ve been together for thirteen years now. People warn you about meeting strangers on line and there is a lot of sense in it, ask my wife. She met a right weirdo :-P.
As for Bryan. Personally, I think he is an Alien spy, sent to earth to investigate all life forms. He is still trying to figure it all out. It can’t be easy. The English language makes no sense, and as for TV, don’t get me started…

10. And last of all, what is your favorite book of all time?

I can’t chose a favorite. That’s like saying which of my kids is the favorite!  My favorite series of books is the Belgariad by David Eddings. It’s light hearted, funny as hell and a great fantasy adventure. These are  the books that inspired me to read.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Story-time with the Four Bananas. (No.14)

Yes, it's here... you're favourite time of the week. Me and my bananas get together, in a bid to entertain you for a short space of time. My thanks go to them as usual, especially Rick who managed to send me some drabbles, even though he's on holiday. Don't forget you can find out more about each author by clicking on their name. I hope you enjoy them and have a nice day...

Religious Failings by C.S.Bailey

“So my brother, what faith do you follow?”
“I’m a Sith Lord father.”
“But that is fiction my child.”
“So tell me father, what is the difference between a screen play and a book?”
“Not much.”
“Exactly father, the only difference between Star Wars and the bible; is that the former was brilliantly written. Well the first three anyway.”
“But the bible says it’s a sin to believe…”
“Father, 50 shades says it’s okay to ignore all the BDSM rules and become an obsessive moron, but would you?”
“Is this a Jedi mind trick?”

“No father, I’m a Sith Lord.”

Childhood Memories by Nav Logan


My cheeks rattled in synchronicity with my battered gonads as I hurtled down the cobblestones. My bicycle had no suspension. The tyres were solid rubber.

I desperately wrestled the rusty handlebars, trying to stay upright, but the worst was yet to come. I was nearly at the bottom of the hill.

Evasive action was called for. I’d need to slow down, but that meant taking my feet off the pedals. My brakes were as high-tech as my suspension. I’d need to use my feet to slow down as the brakes squealed in protest.

Boys and their toys.

Happy days!

You're a What? by Bryan Thomas

"You're a what?" said the guy sitting opposite me on the train as he peered over the top of his glasses.
"I'm an indie author."
"Right. And that means?"
"It means I do everything myself and self-publish my books in electronic format to Amazon."
"Hmm... no hardcopies of your books then?"
"So you're not a real author?"
"I'm an author and a physical entity, so quite real."
He leaned across and prodded my leg to confirm the latter. "How many books have you written?"
"Any bestsellers?"
"Indie eh?"
"So you're not a real author then?"

GOBLIN RULES! by Rick Haynes
King Deadfall was growing old. Trial by combat would provide his successor. All could challenge but only three would try. Cromaclaw decided to reduce the odds. He slashed Ironfang’s throat whilst he slept.
Now it would be just him and Stormwind.
They entered the arena. Both Cromaclaw and Stormwind had sprinkled poison on their blades. Cromaclaw drew first blood. He watched as his opponent buckled and died.
He stood superciliously before the King.
‘Kneel to be crowned Cromaclaw.’
As he did so the King swept up his huge sword and beheaded him.
‘I am old, but I am not stupid.’

Monday, 13 October 2014

Pushing forward, from a backwards position.

So, I want to share something with you guys... The other night, I received a review of Maybe, Misery. It's tenth on Amazon UK, which isn't too bad if you consider how old it is. It was a good review, to say the least. I will paste it below so you can see it; not because I'm egocentric or to boast but because it defines the purpose of this post...

"Maybe Misery by C.S. Bailey was captivating, suspenseful and hypnotizing. Talon is a brilliant man, he comes across arrogant, but you can't help but fall in love with his character even with his Jekyll and Hyde moments. Circumstances can change a person's outlook in life, not everything is black and white and the grey areas can be quite disturbing. Author C.S.Bailey did a phenomenal job portraying Talon's strength and weaknesses. In this story you will experience unconditional love, loss, heartbreak, betrayal, guilt, purpose and acceptance.

Maybe Misery consumed me with an array of emotions which made my reading experience pure delight. The truth and clarity in this story was brilliant. I look forward reading your next book."

Now don't worry, I'm not going to complain about it, after all, what is there to complain about? The bloody thing had me grinning for at least a day. The point I'm going to make is that, reviews like this are life changing. Now, I know what you're thinking, "he got a good review, what's his point?" "It was probably his mum who left it." Well there is a point and no, it wasn't my mum who left it, I doubt that she-devil has even read my book. Too busy sending my game requests on Facebook ha ha.

When I read and re-read this review, it built up some kind of a surge inside of me (not in a kinky way) and it made me feel like I wanted to propel my writing to a higher level. It gave me the fuel needed, to make me want to improve The Talon Strand, to write more! Recently, I've been thinking that The Talon Strand wasn't that good but this review... made me think I can fucking make it phenomenal! I can make it better! I can surpass the first book! And all this, from one persons words.

Speaking of MM2, I let someone close to me read a chapter of it today. It was a sort of parallel one from the other book but from a different characters point of view. They said, they preferred it to the one from the first book. So, surely that's a good sign?

Anyway, there's lots coming up soon. I'll be doing a spot light on my buddy Nav soon, our Halloween book will then be out. I'm also trying to arrange another 20/20 quiz but I was quickly reminded of why it annoyed me last time. Finding twenty people to do a quiz is a challenge in itself. Acting as if I want their liver. You know me though, I'm determined. Don't forget... tomorrow is drabble day :)

I hope you're all having a productive week and remember; there's enough fucking negativity in the world, so go out there and be encouraging.

Much love


Saturday, 11 October 2014

Club 4000!

yes, in case you missed it, my little blog hit four thousand views yesterday! Which is a great achievement when you consider the amount of ranting I do ha ha. So I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the people from the following countries: United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Turkey, Ukraine, France, Ireland, Russia, Poland and the Netherlands. These are all the countries that have read my blog at some point. So you're all awesome in my metaphorical book.

I think I have kept my promise about not using this blog as book promotion haven't I? I bloody think so. And I have minimized the ranting, saving it for special occasions. Though the sad sacks who send me game requests when I'm on the way to the gym will soon get their turn. The only games I play are for the purposes of exercise, foreplay or infrequently on my Xbox. Never do they involve being sat on my phone.

Any way, it's only a short one today... Oh, I know... I'll show you all the teasers for our Happy Halloween story. I hope you guys like it! It is available for pre-order on kindle. I'm getting the paperback version sorted as well, we just had a little snag with the full cover.

Anyway, here they are. I hope you like them and once again, thank you for reading.


Friday, 10 October 2014

The Weekly Round-Down. No.10! Mega-Bumper Edition!

So it would appear, that I have been slightly neglectful of my blog in recent times. I'd like to extend my apologies, but I have been wickedly busy. So to make it up to you, here is a bumper edition of the weekly round-down.

This week, I walked by the sea, resisted the urge to write and successfully moved on to days.

Yes, for a while now... I have wanted to just walk by the sea, I'm not sure why... But regardless, I got my wish. Unfortunately this is England, and my walk was cut down to about two minutes due to a rain storm.

Though my focus should be on The Talon Strand and it has been, I have had this urge to write about an idea I had. I haven't though until I can decide whether I will write any more after Maybe, Misery II.

Yes, that's right... tomorrow, I will NOT be swapping over to nights! I've got the whole Saturday to do with what I please! Can anybody say gym then writing! Plus Saturday is apparently the best day to get people together for my photo shoot. As you know, I'll be making my own teasers using people that I know, as I did with the first book... here is an example of what to expect...

A special thank you goes out to Nav Logan, for sharing pictures of cute kittens on my Facebook page. They indeed brighten my day. I really need one... it's on my list. 

Also, I missed writer's edge Wednesdays again so here's a little something I composed in under five minutes...

Calendar Girl

We met under the stars, a gift from afar
My life you entered, heading straight for the center
Happiness prevailed until it derailed
My little calendar girl

It started with a disagreement 
I beat you to the pavement
You hit me back with intent
Are life together, a ride of descent
My little calendar girl

I chucked you from a plane
You became a weak and wounded blood stain
Deadly nights and unwelcome fights
We became each other’s plights 
My little calendar girl

And like all good things, it came to an end
I had intentionally driven you around that bend
You smothered me in my sleep 
And still you couldn't resist the urge to weep
My little calendar girl

And now it’s all over
In my coffin I lie, in the back of a Rover
You sit in your cell
With a story to tell
My little calendar girl

This month see's the release of Nav's new book so hopefully, I'll get my act together and get an interview done. Our Halloween story is growing ever more closer to release and everything is going well, so there'll be news on that soon. As with Maybe, Misery, there will be one (sort of) promotional post on here and that's it. Because though I may break my promise about not ranting, I haven't broke my promise about spamming. No one likes a spammer, they're awful. 

Anyway, I may have mentioned the author group on Facebook I am apart of. Each week a different author is promoted by the rest. it involves sharing links and what not. So instead of that... here is a piece she has put together. Her name is Eden Elsworth and she is quite lovely...

 Eden Elsworth lives in Dorset, England, with her teenage son, her partner and fellow author, Jack Silince, and a lunatic cat. 

The fourth in her Real World series, The Time of Despair brings together all the characters from the first three books; Halfbreeds, Lupine Tendencies and Warrior Rising. Book five, The Real World, will be released on 3rd October.

Miss Elsworth has also written an erotic romance, Sebastian’s Journal, and co-written two others, Riding Steel and Reflections of Man, with Jack Silince.

She has also begun another series, Rowena Engle, paranormal investigator, and the first book in the series is free to download.

Excerpt for Halfbreeds:

Her eyelids shooting open suddenly, Natalie heaved air into her panicked lungs, sweat beading her forehead and top lip, her body full of adrenaline from the strange dream of being pursued by the red-eyed threat, the sound of sirens. None of the images clarified enough for her to remember properly, remaining a jumble of fear.

Her shoulder hurt. It throbbed and stung, as if something had torn all the skin off it.

Feeling a hand over it gingerly, Natalie was surprised to find she wasn’t bleeding. When she put her fingers on the pain, it didn’t even really hurt. The pain wasn’t hers. She didn’t know whose it was. Someone important. Someone vital.

Still terrified, Natalie buried her head under the tangle of blankets and tried to stop her heart racing, blood pounding in her ears so she couldn’t hear properly. It had only been a dream; it wasn’t real.

Keep saying that, a little voice in the back of her head told her. Say it enough and you might believe it. Just like the things in the dark. Everyone told her they were her imagination, as if they could make it so by saying it constantly. As if they could convince Natalie that was the case. Natalie knew the things were real. They pressed against her window at night. She felt their eyes on her if the curtains weren’t properly closed. She hid under the blankets then too, petrified of approaching the window and shutting the curtains properly herself. It didn’t matter how hot she got at night in the summer, nothing would persuade her to leave the wooden sash open even a crack. She often woke crying in the night, feeling the things pressing in on her.

In the suffocating air under her covers, Natalie kept her fingers pressed on her shoulder to stop it hurting and screwed her eyes tightly shut, counting her breaths in and out as a way of trying to settle herself. Slowly, her heart settled back into her chest rather than trying to block her throat, choking her as she tried to breath.

By the time her small body began to slacken into a natural sleep, dawn was creeping like the thief of sleep over the horizon.

If you like the sound of her work, you can find out more here: Eden's Facebook Page

And to finish us off, here's your top 15...

1. (n/a) Flickers – Son Lux 
2. (1) Comanche – In This Moment
3. (6) End of an Empire – Celldweller
4. (3) Alien – Ima Robot
5. (4) Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode
6. (2) Lost in Time (Remix) – Celldweller
7. (5) The Devil In I – Slipknot
8. (n/a) The Propaganda – Limp Bizkit  
9. (7) Magnetic – Flyleaf
10. (12) Shut Up And Swallow – Combichrist
11. (8) All the Right Things – Son Lux
12. (9) Mr. MTV – Nothing More
13. (10) Set Me On Fire – Flyleaf
14. (11) Burn – In This Moment  
15. (14) Take Out the Gunman – Chevelle

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Story-time with the Four Bananas. (No.13)

Welcome everybody to this weeks story-time. I hope you're all having a great start to the week. My many thanks goes to my bananas as usual. Enjoy...

Miss October by C.S.Bailey

Back to the putrid stain that is home. Thoughts of my past carry me swiftly into the darkness once more. But I am determined to change, to end the killing and create a new life.

I find work at a meat factory. The stench of death is different yet familiar. Nevertheless, I continue on.

My supervisor Sarah is particularly non-constructive in her criticism of me.
Shouting in my face, that I’m not meeting my quota then suddenly like a familiar epiphany, I find a way to silence her.

Just bare that in mind, the next time you buy minced meat.

The Black Widow by Nav Logan

“They claim that I eat men for breakfast,”  she advised the young journalist in a predatory, haughty manner. “But that’s ridiculous. One needs to watch one’s figure!”
His eyes were entranced by her voluptuous curves, partially hidden beneath her low-cut gossamer gown. A heady perfume intoxicated the air as she lounged before him; a panther in repose.
Nervously, he scribbled shorthand and tried not to stare.
“Are you still a virgin, Mr Collins?” she challenged, her eyes locking with his as she rose.
“No!” he denied a little too loudly.

She licked her lips and prepared to devour him.

Road Kill by Bryan Thomas

"Jesus Christ, what was that?" said Alan.
"I dunno," said Mark.
"I hit something, but I didn't see anything."
"Me neither."
"Well what?"
"Are you going to get out of the car and have a look?"
"It's your car, you get out."
"Yeah but--"
"But what?"
"It's pitch black out there and we're in the middle of nowhere."
"You're scared of the dark?"
"No. Well... yes, I am."
"Alright, (stay there,) I'll have a look."
Mark gets out of the car.
10 minutes pass.
Alan's trepidation increases.
BANG! - Mark's decapitated head slams into the windscreen.
"Sheeeeeit!" shouts Alan.

CASANOVA 60s STYLE by Rick Haynes

My jeans were Levis, my shirts Ben Sherman and my shoes highly polished. I was a 60s Mod, proud smart and driven. I was motivated by lust, as I desired some very expensive and hard to come by luxuries.

They wore wonderful, easy access short dresses with buttons down the front; sometimes even mini-skirts. Yet my all male school education gave me no understanding of the fairer sex.
I bought them drinks. I danced with them. I complimented them. I tried everything to pull a bird, but all my attempts failed.
I was lost in self-pity.

My nickname?


Saturday, 4 October 2014

Social Blunders.

Do you remember the first time you joined a social networking website? Me neither, I've drank a lot since then. I remember it being grand and expansive, the majority of the Earth's population at our fingertips. A way too communicate with far away relatives, connect with friends in an on-line world. The possibilities were endless and in the beginning I found it fascinating. I even met quite a few people through my venture. Sadly though, it wasn't to last.

We soon found that, well some humans should have stayed away. Public arguments, un-friending people and the extremely shallow followed. What started out as a wondrous place to meet and greet people from the comfort of our homes, soon turned into a bin to empty our every thoughts. Cue generic status updates: Such a person is in bed. Said person is watching T.V. This is a picture of my tea. This is my baby on the potty. If my mother had posted a naked picture of me as a child to a public website, I would have grown up and gone after her with a vengeance. Can you imagine growing up and having your life giver tell you, "When you were a baby, I showed every single person I may or may not know personally a naked picture of you." - Think of the children people! Then you've got the shallow nature of humanity spotlighted, through 'selfies' - don't get me started on the camel toe challenge.

It's soon become a place for people to complain about their mundane lives and publicly slander people they don't like. I once received a message in my inbox asking me to like their profile picture - Are you that desperate for attention! I have also seen people who have removed me off Facebook... These people are the saddest of them all. Fair enough if you generally can't stand someone, but you'll always face that issue of seeing them in real life... And his face was a picture when he saw me. The silly little sad sack.

I bring this up because I have noticed something strange on Twitter. Now you all know I'm rubbish with it, but I seem to be getting followers somehow, mainly off authors I don't know. What they do is, they follow me; then I follow them back and then they un-follow me, meaning I'm just following them! Are that that fucking desperate for people to follow you! I mean, come on! With each technological stride, humanity grows worse until one day, we'll all be mindless husks without the ability to form a correctly spelled sentence.

Saying all this though, I have met many wonderful people through the internet. All my writing buddies and a few people, I consider close friends. I guess the social side has served to show us what a mixed bag of tricks the world is.

So if you're on-line today and you roll your eyes at someone's boring-as-fuck life, remember the awesome ones you have met as well. Plus without the internet, you wouldn't be reading my complaints about it. :p

Act accordingly humans.


Friday, 3 October 2014

The Weekly Round-Down. (No.9)

What a week it's been, talk about a mixed bag of tricks. I signed my contract to leave my night shift, nearly blew my author persona and got one of the best messages ever.

It's true, tomorrow night will be my last night shift... finally! As much as I prefer nights. Working days and nights in the same week is not preferable and the main cause of my zombie like shuffle. I will miss the night shift, but less so now that they've cancelled hot dinners.

It's is true. I very nearly lost my temper. You see saying I nearly blew my author persona is kind of misleading. It's not as if I'm playing a game of pretend. I'm genuinely friendly to the people I get a long with but I try to contain my temper when negativity comes my way and it did. Luckily I was in a digitally public place and JUST managed to contain myself. As much as I wanted to call her a cunt. And that's a word I would never use to describe the female form. Especially seeing as how she didn't even bother to read the question properly and even after I explained it, had another equally annoying comment. Some people are just looking for an argument and seeing as how I'm argumentative, she very nearly came to the right place.

To counteract the negative woman, I got a lovely message of some one who is currently reading Maybe, Misery. Their words were astonishingly kind and the message made my day. And the way she described my writing in such a positive fashion has actually encouraged me to try harder. So we should all take a moment to appreciate all those positive people in our lives. And hope that some kind of virus kills off the negative ones.

Asides from that, it's been a busy week. I am currently going through our Halloween story one last time before I upload it for release on October 24th. We are all so excited to share it with you all. Here's one of the teasers...

And if that doesn't float your boat then here's a picture of a kitten...

But if that first picture did float your boat, then here's the official front cover...

My apologies as well for missing writer's edge on Wednesday.

This week, I managed to watch 22 Jump Street, which was nowhere near as good as the first, but still moderately entertaining and I did enjoy how tongue in cheek it was. I also watched The Grand Budapest Hotel which was fucking fantastic and I suggest you go and watch it straight away!

I hope you you've all had a good week and enjoy the weekend... here is the top 15.

1. (1) Comanche – In This Moment
2. (n/a) Lost in Time (Remix) – Celldweller
3. (n/a) Alien – Ima Robot
4. (n/a) Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode
5. (2) The Devil In I – Slipknot
6. (n/a) End of an Empire – Celldweller
7. (9) Magnetic – Flyleaf
8. (4) All the Right Things – Son Lux
9. (5) Mr. MTV – Nothing More
10. (3) Set Me On Fire – Flyleaf
11. (6) Burn – In This Moment
12. (7) Shut Up And Swallow – Combichrist
13. (8) What the Fuck is Wrong With You – Combichrist
14. (10) Take Out the Gunman – Chevelle
15. (11) Again We Rise – Lamb of God