Friday, 5 September 2014

The Weekly Round-Down. (No.6)

This year is bloody flying by. This week, I lost all enthusiasm for writing, won a curry off my Nan and got battered at tennis.

It's true, I did. It's come to the point were I realised that I'm not technically a writer. I released my book to share with others and yet I seem to have been thrust in to the writing world. Don't get me wrong, I have no complaints at all. It's just... Well I don't really know. It's like having sex on camera and finding yourself deep in the pornography industry. But it's got to the point now where I'm like, Do I give being a writer a proper shot? Or do just call it a day and enjoy the connections I have made. It's probably just me being crazy. Either way, I am off work next week. If you remember, I have booked it off solely to write the second Maybe, Misery. I think I've just had a lack of inspiration lately leading me to these annoying thoughts. Swiftly moving on...

I did indeed win a curry through playing cards. I'm now going to try and play her for a kitten. (Note: Nan refused to play for a kitten, so we're playing for a subway again.) And yes I got battered at tennis, I always do. I'm just shit at it but it's good cardio.

What else, I conquered outer-space and had my own video game commissioned...

I got extremely pissed off with Facebook denting my reach, so I posted about it and I then got a notification alerting me that my post about my reach being dented was performing 95% better than any other post! There's irony there somewhere.

I finished watching S.H.I.E.L.D, it was okay and did get better towards the end. And I've watched a few more episodes of Vikings which is another slow starter.

In this coming week, there will be a interview with A.K Michaels and I'll be documenting my week of being a writer plus all the usual stuff.

Here's this weeks Top 15, have a good weekend everybody, I'll have a drink for you all this evening...

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