Sunday, 28 September 2014

Shopping for Faces.

So last night I had some good news, it's my last night shift next Saturday! *Everyone praises the heavens* So, not only will I get a normal sleeping pattern, but I'll get more time for the gym and to write. Now as you may recall, Maybe, Misery contained the appearances of real people. Not personality wise but just the looks. It gave the characters more realism to me and helped me imagine how they would actually say things. Anyway, despite the Talon Strand being over a year away! I am already shopping for faces, Normally people I know. Out of the five characters, I have four faces. Which isn't bad going. I have one left to claim and it's Mason Butler. If you are one of the few that read Maybe, Misery you will know, he is the sort of villain. I say sort of because it wasn't really a hero/villain story. This time around though, we follow through his (and the four others!) life. 

So anyway, I have been reading Maybe, Misery to keep me in the right frame of mind and I still love it. Though I was considering if it may have been better, had I organised it backwards. You know, so the end was at the start. That way, you learnt why he became such an ass hole towards the end. Anyway self-absorbed egotistic loving of ones own work aside, I'm looking forward to releasing it upon the world. 

I guess there's a lot riding on this book. Not only is it a sequel (though it's not really) but I get the feeling this book will decide whether I write any more. purely because I seem to be in a constant limbo (thanks brain).

I purchased a new printer the other day. Got all excited and then realised you have to buy the cable separate. Money grabbing ass holes. So now the printer has come, but I have to wait for the cable. 

Any way, I'm sure I had more to say but it's come time for me to say good bye. I'm off to see my nan and make us some tea, then destroy her at cards *insert evil laugh* 

I hope you all have a lovely Sunday and I'll see you on Tuesday.

Much love

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