Monday, 28 April 2014

The unofficial Maybe, misery soundtrack.

So, whilst I was writing, music was a very inspirational tool for me and I believe it always will be. I loved the idea of my book having it's own soundtrack and it helped me create the fictional world of my characters. So here it is; the extremely unofficial Maybe, misery soundtrack:

1. Maybe, misery - Quietdrive:
"Quite obvious this one to be fair, but it's a brilliant song and contains a lot of clever lyrics that pertain to how Talon feels most of the time."

2. Comes Love - Billie Holiday:
"I love Billie Holiday, as do many and this song sets up the scene perfectly. Two people, full of lust sharing a moment before an explosion of passion."

3. Burn the witch - Queens of the stone age:
"As Talon feels the burden of expectancy being lifted, this song would serve as a brilliant ego boost for him."

4. It makes no difference who we are - Celldweller:
"To be honest, this is just an awesome and powerful song yet, the idea of wishing on a black star and Talons desire for a son seem somehow connected in a minuscule way."

5. Floods - Fightstar:
"Mentioned in the book as Talons alarm tone, yet Floods is perfectly apt for describing how Talons life is about to be flooded with a family in the chapter Pain and Pregnancy."

6. Digital Sea - Thrice:
"Scouring my iTunes looking for the perfect song to fit this scene was a tough decision. As Talons interrogation by the Dreaded Lindsey takes place, I wanted a song that indicates how helpless he is."

7. Fire, fire - Flyleaf:
"Definitely one of my all-time favourite songs! As Talon and Fiona flee from disaster, this is a perfectly apt song choice. What you confuse for glories fire, is fire from the tongues of liars is one of the greatest lyrics I've ever heard."

8. Satellite - Guster:
"You're my satellite may be the best lyric to describe what Willow meant to Talon. She guided him from darkness and really was all that is good in him."

9. Banquet - Bloc Party:
"As Talon enjoys endures valentines day, this song fit in perfectly for his encounter with Harriet."

10. Entombed - Deftones:
"As Talon heads out into the unknown after being held up in Sam's lab, this song elegantly expressed Talons feelings of exploration and perhaps what mindset he is in."

11. Love song - 311:
"Bored with traditional wedding songs, I wanted a song that was heartfelt yet separate from the crowd."

12. Waking up - 10 years:
"My alarm tone for many years and a perfect song for Talons awakening."

13. Angel Falls - The killer and the Star:
"Though I earlier mentioned in the book that Willow was a fan of KoRn, it became known that she had a mostly awful taste in music with a few exceptions. I felt that if there was a transitional song that they could both enjoy, it would be this."

14. The Wreckoning - Nonpoint:
"As Talons story takes a turn for the violent, this energetic song felt perfect for his current proceedings."

15. Destabilise - Enter Shikari:
"Talons world has shattered around him, left only with anger leading the way, this song embodies how he feels, not because of the songs underlying political stance but the angst contained within."

16. Dance anthem of the 80's - Regina Spektor:
"I fucking love her voice, she's amazing. This would be one of Willows exceptions and I loved the thought of Talon enjoying her music but afraid to tell his wife, for the fear of being given stick. Especially with all the grief I imagine he gives her for her taste in music."                                      

17. Goodbye cruel world - Cold:
"Last but certainly not least, as Talons story comes to an end, this song acutely conveys a summary of his life."

I hope you enjoyed reading this... because it took ages :p


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