Wednesday, 30 April 2014


So it is my day off today, my favourite kind of day. I enjoy a lie in until around 11, get up and almost immediately head straight to the gym. Recently as I may have already mentioned, I've been considering a line edit of Maybe, misery by a professional editor and after much discussion with the awfully nice guy, I think it's a route I'm going to go down. He has made some very good points and I really want Maybe, misery to be as good as I can be.

All through this venture into writing I've constantly made mistakes but I'm carrying on and learning as I go. This means some changes that not everyone will like. The biggest being that there will be no release of Act III. Purely because if I'm to change the structure of the book, Act III might end up not making any sense. I've already decided that certain people who have purchased the first two acts on paper back and who have given me feedback will receive a free copy from myself... though I've yet to tell them and of these recent revelations.

So I've spent most of the day with that on my mind and generally lounging watching homeland. Checking fiascobook, I notice a story about how certain subways in England and Ireland are stopping serving ham due to religious beliefs. Now I'm one for treading fine lines but this is not some attempt to dig at different cultures. People who know me well, know I'm no racist... I'm just not a fan of humanity as a whole. We serve no purpose. The fact that annoys me is that I don't get my ham because of other peoples religious beliefs. Why the fuck should I suffer. I mean if your religion decides how you act, what you eat, what you wear and how you behave, you end up having no control of your own life. If religion were a man, he would be a dictator. And you do it for what? The promise of a place in heaven or other grand sounding after life's? You go through your whole life, living strictly by the rules your god has placed before you for something you've no proof exists.

I understand that some people need to believe in something... but here's an idea; believe in yourself! Turn off that television, put down that holy book and enjoy the life we don't deserve. I mean, you can't seriously believe we deserve a place on this magnificent planet that we constantly consume. We've been to space and there's no heaven there... just emptiness. I guess if someone told me as a child that if I grew up and followed a religious code, that I'd get to marry Scarlett Johansson in the after life, I'd be down with that... well until you took away my ham salad subway.

I apologise if this seems like a rant... it isn't. I just can't understand how people can let religion control their lives so such an extent were they're all just existing... waiting for the end to reap the rewards of submission and obedience.

Anyway, I decided a trip to my Nan's for a game of cards and a brew was in order so off I went on my bike. We chilled out for a while and she started telling me about her experiences with ghost, much to my chagrin... I don't believe in that rubbish either. I believe in what's right in front of me. There's only one invisible thing I believe in and that's oxygen. So I listen to her explain and I am smiling throughout. She knows I don't believe in any of it, but she doesn't care which is great. So I suggested she should write a book about her experiences and she has agreed. So I have decided to help my Nan write a book about her experiences with all things ghostly, with no sarcasm, no laughing or doubting. After everything my Nan has done for me, this is the least I can do.

Now I'm home, it's past midnight and I'm blogging away whilst I think about how I can re-structure Maybe, misery.

Good night world, (in the words of Frasier) thanks for listening.


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