Tuesday 2 June 2020

Bang, Boom ... Whimper.

Well, well, well, it has been a while. I was all but ready to announce the return of this blog, when I found out that my friend, Bryan Thomas had sadly passed away. It's safe to say that the next post from this blog will be a tribute to Bryan.

I'll try my best to keep everything brief as there is a lot to get through. 

For the past ... well however long it's been, I lost all faith in my writing. The primary being Maybe, Misery. Often telling people that it is rubbish, not to get attention, but it is generally what I had grown to believe. After all, I have aged and I have changed. It appeared juvenile to me.

Fast forward to this week and I knew we were getting a new laptop. No more excuses. Excuses for what? The Talon Strand of course. It has been lingering in the back of my mind, like a bit food in your mouth that your tongue can't quite get to. It has always just felt unfinished. 

So I did the unthinkable, I read Maybe, Misery from cover to cover. 

The thing to bare in mind is that Maybe, Misery is nearly six years old! It doesn't feel like I wrote it because I have changed a lot in six years, so here is what I thought ...

It's funny, sometimes in a good way and sometimes bad. There are moderately sized parts of it that are just downright ridiculous. I found the ending to be a little weak and I found the story telling to be basic in places. It's worth mentioning that I read it in two sittings, bringing me to its shining light, that I didn't even know about: The pacing.

It paces at such a blistering speed, it kept me reading and I loathed this book. By the time I thought something was getting a bit silly, I was moving on to the next chapter. When I found it was getting dull ... next chapter! It continues like this until the very end. I was surprised to say the least, but it didn't feel like a compliment to myself, it felt like a compliment to a stranger. 

So, yeah, the Talon Strand. I don't know what I'm going to do. I know that if I read it, there's a chance I will feel the same way I felt about Maybe, Misery for so long. 
I know for certain that it is a more grown up sequel, but I'm unsure whether that is enough. I could literally open up a website and have a proof copy sent to me within a couple of weeks. The problem is, I am in the middle of helping to start a business and I'm just not sure if I'll have the time to give it what it needs. What I am going to do is read it and see what state it's in. 

I said I was going to be brief and then I wasn't ... I'm slipping back into old habits already. 

As for this blog. During my time away, I have remained creative. I have even created a group and blog for this, which will focus on the creative process. For this blog, I was excited to find out that I still had access to it and I know that there will be another post dedicated to Bryan as mentioned above. 

I honestly don't think that I'm going to return to ranting about my day, my gym habits and all that jazz. I'm pretty sure people don't want to read that, plus I can't commit to posting everyday. So I'm going to look for a new format. I do miss hosting quizzes, sharing other writers works and writing funny little stories so we'll see what happens. 

I'm sorry for being gone for so long and so abruptly. 



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