Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Attempt At Poetry Wednesdays! (No.21)

Happy twenty first! I was in two minds of which poem to put up this week. There's one I have written which I have been looking forward to sharing for ages, but I will stick to sharing them in the order they are written. I think, I get to put it up next week, finally. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one for now. Have a lovely week.


Ode to the Earth II

Your lives look to be fed,
Yet we all end up dead.
Consuming life’s dread,
A fear will surely spread.

Spreading your wings and failing to fly,
Expanding your reach for the one great lie;
Struggling to cope and get by,
Until the day that you die!

Dying is only the end to your beginning,
A time honoured tradition in understanding.
But you still feel the need to be demanding,
Perhaps it’s a game you’re imagining?

Imagine a world without you here,
A world so beautiful and clear;
The promise land looming near,
And all you can do is peer.

Peering into a heaven regardless,
But not the one before your consciousness;
A fictional dream, told in distress.
Lies before your eyes and yet you digress.

Digression at its best, a twisted tale from birth,
Tangled in a mess of false worth,
Pounded by these deceitful stories of mirth,
And still you ignore the wonderful planet earth.

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