Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Red Flash

So here it is whilst I have the chance, the first draft introduction of what I wrote on my Birthday... well some of it anyway. It's all just a work in progress but hopefully you get the idea. I hope you all like it (at least a little bit)...

The deathly halls weep the voices of the ten thousand-fold dead. Covered in a mixture of blood, the dirt of our fight and the shame of defeat I am led down the vast arched marble corridor walk-way which leads to the catalyst.

I know not were we are going, but I know were we have been; through war.

The Constant War fought over what seemed like a millennia, though it had only been a mere fraction of that time. I was born in to it, raised through it and as soon as I came of age; I battled through it until it’s abrupt end. The good, the true believers in doing what’s right, our ancestors built our existence up into the wondrous phenomena it was.
We were the pinnacle of humanity, of the entire universe… We were almost perfect; But as with every side, there is another. The side that craves more, needs more power, more control and there our downfall began.

His name… Drataan, a former minister on the council. Cast out for his extreme views, disgruntled and filled with hatred, he revolted against us all.

This of course, before my time. The stories left by our parents were our only link to the truth. Raised by machines, our childhoods were routine rather than experienced. Our bio-upgrades implanted at birth, our generation were trained for the war.

My memory implants tell me that Drataan, after a long spell in the abyss earned his way back on to the council; only to deceive and betray them all. Drataan had accumulated the powers of the dark during his exile, making him stronger than most. He murdered them all in cold blood, the images of their mangled corpses forever implanted in my brain. Our civilisation soon parted ways with half of them fearing for their lives and joining his cause. The other half fought against his uprising.

For two hundred years the war raged, Drataan’s army grew and we could just not grow enough warriors in time. Our lands reduced to a fiery inferno, we took the war to the skies, below ground and everywhere in between.

We had no chance with Drataan’s power only growing with every life he stole but we never gave up… Not until now.

The cursed Drataan finally got his wretched hands on the last council member, Annai’s father. She stood atop the Verge as she witnessed Drataan absorb the life of her own life-giver. I tried to stop her, but I could not… Annai’s speed was too much for me, she ran at Drataan with such anger, yearning for revenge only to be halted by his hands around her throat.

As he stood all powerful, choking Annai to her inevitable demise, I came out of hiding and stood tall. ‘WE SURRENDER!’ I shouted at the top of my lungs, we have lost so many and our deaths were only a matter of time. I couldn’t bare to lose another, especially Annai.

The year is 2671, we are from the planet 01001110 0110111 01110110 01100001... We call it NOVA.

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